Skvělé!... (Radek, 09.10.2015 19:12) Reagovat
Re: Great! ... (terry, 10.10.2015 06:51) Reagovat
There was no "fight" with madonna..... LMAO THey had songs with the same title. Nick Jonas and Labrinth both recently released tracks called "Jealous", Sam Smith released a song called Lay Me Down that had the same title as a single from Avicci's album. It's no big deal - no-one's copying anyone they just happen to pick the same title for tracks they release. Do a search on ASCAP and see how many songs are released with the same titles and at the same time. There was no fight, no competition, nobody "won" anything. Adam and Madonna's singles had no link or relationship to each other. It's only the media who invented a story around it. Madonna and Adam couldn't have cared less - it's just a normal thing that happens in music industry all the time.
Re: Great! ... (DrakulkaCZ, 10.10.2015 14:46) Reagovat
Yes but they must have something to write about. 8^)
Adame Lamberte, opět jsi boží 9/10 (Albert, 09.10.2015 19:33) Reagovat
celé album je moc dobré a nic na tom nemění fakt, že na nejvyšších albových příčkách jsou jiné věci...
Re: Adame Lamberte, opět jsi boží 9/10 (Shimoli, 09.10.2015 20:27) Reagovat
Souhlasím! To album je vynikající a já doufám, že se dočkáme ještě dalších singlů, protože na The Original High je opravdu spousta písní, které by se mohly (a měly) stát singly.
Jinak děkuji za hezky a výstižně napsaný článek. Potěšil. :)