Punku holdujícími posluchači dobře přijatá deska frýdecko-místeckých nováčků má bezesporu svá světlá, rockovou energií nabitá místa. Ale taky lehce nedomyšlenou agendu, která mění rozvernost v naivitu a kapelu pomáhá přikovávat na lokální pódia, odkud se jim bude těžko natrvalo unikat.
Vydáno: 1.9.2008
Celkový čas: 39:11
Skladby: How Does It Feel (Not To Feel)?, Theres No R'N'R On The Radio, All The Lonely Hearts, I Looked Too High, Opening Up, Ticket To Underground, New Rage To Dust (Watch The New Rage Turn To Dust), Love In A Consumer Society, Nothing Going On, What The Hell, 21st Century Blues, Red Velvet Madness
Vydavatel: Cecek Records
The Crooked Beats (adrian, 02.05.2009 13:02) Reagovat
Petr,you're definitely over-generalising. Don't do it-you've never even met nor have spoken to us.
If you like the music/text-fine.If you don't-that's fine,too.
But don't make personal assumptions just because you're a critic (hey,aren't we all? You bet!)
Btw,I'm from the land of the dollar bill (and hamburger,to boot!),so I can back up everything I've written.No we ain't hypocrites,either (sure,I own 6 Rickenbackers through my own hard work,big deal-I'm a rocker after-all).
Music has been a passion all my life (I'm probably old enough to be your father).I hate phonies,hypocrites,pop-punk,most of mainstream.Oh yeah, I've been living in F-M for 10 years (do you really think I came here for fame and riches?ha!!). And U2 suck,btw.
Gotta go,bro-if you really want to know,go to the source itself instead of generalising. Beat regards,
Adrian Abrahamson/The Croooked Beats
Re: The Crooked Beats (Viktor Palák, 02.05.2009 13:25) Reagovat
I’m not sure, you’re addressing me (Petr?), but in case you are, I don’t really follow your argument. Are you trying to say that before stating that I find the message of your CD unbalanced, I should learn what the people in the band are like and meet them? Are you suggesting that being from the U.S. automatically justifies the critical lyrics having a relation to the U.S.?
Btw, I hate phonies, hypocrites, pop-punks, too, while some of the mainstream I consider refreshing. U2 belong to those (what do they have to do with the review anyway?). Anyhow, best wishes and may your music bring you a lot of joy.
Re: The Crooked Beats (adrian, 03.05.2009 22:11) Reagovat
Hi Viktor,
Thanks for the reply-the intention writing you was a constructive one,that's all. And my apologies for getting your name wrong.
To be honest, my bandmates aren't too thrilled at me for writing you but since this has started,it's important,at least for me,to continue.I truly believe in honest feedback.
I mentioned coming from America only because she has been the biggest culprit in this current financial recession/crisis. I have seen over and over the gross instant gratification of materialistic cunsumerism and the dangers inherent of it. True,it's not the only place on this planet where it's happening but definitely the leader. And as the global village that we now have become,we're all basically affected.The lyrics definitely have a relation to the four corners of the world (hey,just look at Iceland,for example). Btw,the album was written and recorded before the crisis officially hit, though many saw it coming,which had an influence on me.
No,of course you don't have to meet and interview a band (or its writers) to review its work.
And I wrote earlier,I'm not upset in any way in your rating. I happen to like our music immensely and that's really why I make it-firstly for myself,it's a great catharsis,it's fun and I get a great kick out of it. If someone gets the same enjoyment out of it,then great. if someone else doesn't -that's fine,too. There is plenty of music,punk included,that I really dislike for whatever reasons that are my own.I just don't listen to it.
As for the U2 bit-that's just me being humourous-Bono is just one of those media clowns who gets my tit,that's all (and it's just an opinion).
You know,funny thing-quite often I ask my (Czech) friends,wife,colleagues,etc what the text is about to a song that's being played wherever I may be and 90% of the time the reply is "Nothing".It always amazes me,especially concerning the songs that sound like they may be about something.
Anyway,thanks for the review-I'm just flattered that someone actually takes the time to do so as we're just a RnR from F-M.
Nothing more,nothing less-no hidden agendas from these boys.
And thanks for the well-wishes,btw. I truly wish everyone out there all the best-let's make it through this one and somehow make it better.
Beat regards,
Adrian Abrahamson
Re: The Crooked Beats (Viktor Palák, 04.05.2009 20:05) Reagovat
Adrian, thanks for your comment, too. There is not much to add, I respect your position, but also insist on the view I have taken on the message of your record. I am sure this doesn´t necessarily mean a contradiction. Wishing you a lot of joy with what you are doing and if it manages to effect more people next time, even better.
xxx (Ondra, 03.05.2009 14:57) Reagovat
CD mám doma a moc se mi líbí:-). S těm i texty to vidím trochu jinak. Spíš mi to připadá jako takový popis dění kolem nás, něž nějaké volání po revoluci. Někdy to spíš působí nihilisticky
(např v I looked to high - mimochodem třeba tehle text mi přijde docela povedený). Neříkaám, že by to byla nějaká moudra:-), ale naivně to na mě taky nepůsobí. Samozrejme se najdou i slabší kusy(např. opening up), ale celkove na me ty texty pusobi docela dobře. Celkem by me zajimalo co by autor clanku napsal naprikad o SkaP nebo Manu chao:-)